Currently engaging in sports is viewed as an extreme level of activity that only a few are capable of at a higher level. Sportsmen play the sport out of love for the sports and the high one gets to feel and enjoy as a result of physiological changes that occurs in the body giving the feeling of accomplishment.
Athletes use extreme range of motion to accomplish the desired goal and end up having aches and pains. Soreness from playing a new sport or activity would leave the athlete with micro trauma as a result of which soreness appears.
Recovery from exercise is crucial for athletes. Recovery means getting back to normal after the microtrauma and be ready to start a new exercise routine. During rest period the body undergoes adaptation and if the energy in the body is more than the trauma new strength gain happens. If the energy level is low for an athlete then recovery results in fatigue and damage to the muscle.
So rest and recovery includes good nutrition, releasing tension from the affected area, removal of toxins from the muscle site, hydration, fuel replenishment, reduce mental stress and so on. The functional training institute of Australia suggests a 100 point recovery program that is by engaging in various modalities an athlete should collect 100 points per week to stay completed recovered.
Here is the list:
- Give yourself points according to the activity performed during the week and ensure one has completely recovered.
- Sleep is the number one recovery mode prescribed by all.
- Next Comes good nutrition and water therapy, massage yoga flexibility routine, and finally listening to music.
My take here is this point system can be applied to all corporate and workaholics.
As Written by Radha Krishnaswamy
Movement Restoration Coach and a S&C